2025: Knowing Jesus – Rev. Tomás Mackey, a Baptista Világszövetség elnökének újévi üzenete (angol nyelven)


As the Baptist World Alliance, we wish to begin the year 2025 by committing to know Jesus deeply in order to experience a life of continuous transformation.
Jesus teaches us in John 17:3: „… this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. Knowing Jesus is a personal relationship that transforms our entire lives and provides transcendent hope. Knowing Jesus is a lived experience that involves walking with Him and experiencing his love and power.
In the Bible, the verb „to know” signifies a deep intimacy that radically changes all areas of one’s being.
Making Jesus known is more than sharing information about him. It means being living witnesses of his presence.
Knowing Jesus transforms families, communities, and cultures – freeing us from the bondage of sin and hopelessness. Knowing him leads us to follow him as disciples, learning to live as he lives.
This knowledge invites us to depend on him, recognizing him as the source of life and purpose. It equips us to be light in the world, reflecting his love, peace, kindness, justice, holiness, and truth.
Knowing Jesus also means being agents of reconciliation, confronting cultural norms that dehumanize and living in profound and meaningful freedom. In a culture that does not know God, people tend to focus on themselves, losing a sense of community and leaving many in a state of loneliness and disconnection.
Eternal life is unending life and a quality of life that begins here and now. Knowing Jesus introduces us to an abundant life filled with generosity, compassion, joy, and purpose that transforms our present existence.
In a world divided by generational and cultural barriers, Jesus unites people of all ages and backgrounds in a common mission.
As we begin this new year, we commit to knowing Jesus more deeply, for in him we find eternal salvation and an abundant and transformed life. Knowing Jesus is a call to live with purpose and hope, experiencing the fullness of God’s Kingdom both now and in eternity.
Knowing Jesus means presenting Him as he truly is – a living and relevant person for today. It means sharing the Gospel as pertinent to contemporary realities without losing its essence. Knowing Jesus opens the possibility of participating in cultural conversations to show how his teachings address current needs. It also challenges us to present his lifestyle of service, humility, and sacrifice as a contrast to contemporary selfishness.
Finally, knowing Jesus challenges us to demonstrate that his way of life is relevant, wise, and constructive.
The Baptist World Alliance – your Baptist family around the world – wishes you a 2025 marked by a growing knowledge of Jesus.

Rev. Tomás Mackey

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